Ghost Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an new Indian horror thriller film written and directed by Vikram Bhatt, produced by Vashu Bhagnani Production. The film, sponsored by Loneranger Productions, The film starring Sanaya Irani and Shivam Bhaargava and Gary Heron in the lead roles.
The story of this film follows Karan Khanna (with Bhaargava), an Indian politician from England accused of murdering his wife.
Ghost Movie Story Line
The talented actress Sanaya Irani always takes on roles and genres that interest her and give her a different feeling. He recently impressed everyone as a RAW agent in the Zikaba Bhatt web series by Vikram Bhatt. Now Sanaya will perform his first major film with Vikram Bhatt, his next film Ghost.
He told his lawyer that the ghost had murdered and had to be brought to justice. The most important photography starts in November 2018 in London. This publication will take place on October 18, 2019.
However, he told his lawyer that the crime committed by the spirit, not by himself. Vikram, unlike earlier films shot in remote places, he added, shot in London.
Director Vikram Bhatt returned with another horror film after having scored at the box office with hits like 1920 and Raaz. His next comeback was an official poster about Ghost. The author published the poster on 18.6.6 and remained true to the terrible connection of 6.6.6 with the devil.
Sanaya Irani in Ghost
A few months ago we saw a poster of the horror movie Ghost with Dharma Productions by Vicky Kaushal, and it is true that the horror factories of Vikram Bhatt are in full swing recently. After filming in London, Bhatt (known for his supernatural interest) will soon release a preview of a film.
The Iranian fans of Sanaya being treated for the lead role of Vikram Bhatt, the ghost who will be recording the next film. It’s the first time he’s in the movie with Ghost.