Yaaram Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an Indian romantic comedy film from 2019, directed by Ovais Khan and produced by Vijay Mulchandani, Deepak Mulchandani and Karan Mulchandani. This film played Prateik Babbar, Siddhanth Kapoor and Ishita Raj Sharma.
The story of this film follows interreligious relationships. Photography started in July 2018 in Mauritius. The album released on October 18, 2019.
Yaaram Movie Story Line
This film shot in an exotic place in Mauritius. This film tells the story of the three friends and how it collapsed when Rohit Bajaj, from Prateik, decided to marry Ishita, who interpreted Zoya as a Muslim girl, when she decided to move from Hinduism to Islam.
The official preview of the film was released on September 19, 2019 by Zee Music Company. The official trailer for the film released on September 24, 2019.
All you need is “Talaq, Talaq, Talaq”. Rohit forced to understand that Halala forbids her to remarry her with her husband unless a woman marries another man. Confused by the strange desire of the coast, Rohit undertook to become this man.
The director impressed by the cast. He added that his experience of working with two generations of good actors in a film was exceptional. His participation surprised me. They have gone so well into the skin of every character that I feel like I am interacting with my character, not an actor.
Prateik Babbar in Yaaram
The music of the film composed by the lyrics of Jeet Gannguli, Rochak Kohli, Sohail Sen and Kumaar and Dheeraj Kumar from Nayeem-Shabir.
Siddhant also involved in a film that investigates the role of Qurayshi as a Muslim child. You will also see Prateik’s father Sangarsh Bajaj and Prateik’s mother Vijeyta Sangarsh as Anita Raaj and Dilip Tahil. The world premiere of the film, produced by Vijay Mulchandani, will take place on October 18, 2019.
The biggest problem with this film is the lack of depth of the characters and the dialogue in such stories only adds weight. The announcement of Shakti Kapoor’s public service not lost, but ended when the Triple condemned the Talaq practice and added hiccups to the bad stories.