Golkeri Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a Indian Gujarati dramatic comedy film directed by Viral Shah and produced by Soul Sutra Studio. This written by Viral Shah and Amatya. The star of the movie is Malhar Thakar and Manasi Parekh Gohil. This a new version of the 2017 Muramba Marathi film that released in India on February 28, 2020.
The trailer for the Gujarati movie “Golkeri” recently released with Malhar Thakar and Mansi Parekh. The movie directed by Viral Shah, who previously directed the movie “Mennight with Menaka” in Gujarati.
The Gujarati movie “Golkeri” a new official version of the Marathi movie “Muramba” directed by Varth Narvekar with Mithila Palkar and Amey Wagh.
Golkeri Movie Story Line
The filmmakers recently released the movie poster and they laugh from a point of view with stories of a happy couple. This poster shows all framed stars and cannot canceled. The film shows Malhar Thakar as the coast and Manasi Parekh as the love story of Harshita. The song in the video choreographed by Prince Gupta.
This film follows the journey of four characters during the night. Sahil (Malhar Thakkar) and Harshita (Manasi Parekh Gohil) ended their perfect relationship for two years at night. But they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation where their parents try to get them together as much as possible and want to stay away.
The trailer seems to strike a good balance between comedy and drama, especially thanks to veterans Khedekar and Pathak. However, the trailer and the theme are exact replicas of the popular Marathi film Muramba (2017). Even the title refers to sweet and sour cucumbers. The premiere of the movie Golkeri, produced by Soul Sutra, will take place on February 28.
Golkeri Tamil Dubbed
Over the years, Gujarat cinema has received a lot of love, and today filmmakers have recommendations for their thoughts. 2020 started with a good balance for the industry and completes the film drama Golkeri with three very talented and famous actors: Manasi Parekh, Vandana Pathak and Sachin Kedekar.
Manasi said: “Their functions as an actor and producer are extraordinary. I learned a lot about this film because, unlike the actors, a producer got involved from start to finish, the process enriched me” The film follows’s four character journeys at night.
The film also presents a special song that composed and sung in Gujarat by Mika Singh Soni Gujarat Ni. Parthiv Gohil spoke his beautiful voice with Mika for this passionate song. This movie will make you happy. I was lucky to have had the opportunity to work with a community that was brilliant enough to make its debut at the Gujarati cinema, all three.
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