Luv Ni Love Storys Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a Indain Gujarati romantic comedy film, written and directed by Durgesh Tanna. The film made by Manish Andani and Karim Minsariya under the banner of Swissk Entertainment and DB Talkies. The background music and scores composed by lyrics by Niren Bhatt and Aaditya Gadhavi by Parth Bharat Thakkar.
The film starring of this movie are Avani Soni and Pratik Gandhi, Shraddha Dangar, Deeksha Joshi, Vyoma Nandi and Hardik Sangani are the movie stars. The recording of this film starts on February 14. We wish the Luv Ni Love Storys Hikayeler team good luck and have fun together on the set.
Luv Ni Love Storys Movie Story Line
Pratik Gandhi starred in the trailer “Luv Ni Love Storys” today. He warmly received by all parties. The trailer trained Pratik Gandhi as a friend and entertained his fans with most of his romantic relationships. It seems that the actor is interested in Deeksha Joshi, Shraddha Dangar or Vyoma Nandi. Fans congratulated the player’s account for a preview.
The plot follows Luv through different stages of his life and most of his relationships. To seek true love in his life, he eventually turned into an exciting roller coaster with multiple relationships. Your experience allows you to lose confidence in love or make yourself stronger when you call. The film Karim Minsariya, produced by director Durgesh Tanna Manish Andani, released on January 31, 2020.
Luv is a very simple boy who can easily win the hearts of others. There are three girls in the movie. Shraddha Dangar, Vyoma Nandi and Deeksha Joshi are considered heroes. We can see Deeksha Joshi as Preeti, Shrdhha Dangar as Mishty and Vyoma Nandi as Sonam. These girls have different thoughts about love and routine between them.
Luv Ni Love Storys Tamil Dubbed
The long-awaited trailer for the Gujarati film Luv Ni Love Storys released today. Since the trailer released on December 11, fans have eagerly awaiting the trailer. The trailer took place at Time Cinema in Ahmedabad. Actors and other members of the film crew attended the event. Romantic comedy.
Parth Bharat Thakkar, the songwriter, said, “It is a big challenge for me because I have to do three different love songs for this project. I have to make sure every love song has different vibrations and emotions. Niren Bhatt and Aditya Gadhavi, Siddharth Bhavsar, Yashita The beautiful voices of Sharma, Keerthi Sagathia and others: I can create something very beautiful near my heart. ”
In search of true love in her life, she finally starts the crazy roller coaster of many relationships. All music composed by Parth Bharat Thakkar. The official trailer for the film released on December 11, 2019. The trailer officially released on December 28, 2019. The film released on January 31, 2020.