Greenland Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a 2020 American disaster film directed by Ric Roman Waugh and written by Chris Sparling. The film stars Gerard Butler (also co-producer), Morena Baccarin, Roger Dale Floyd, Scott Glenn, David Denman, and Hope Davis. The film tells the story of a family struggling to survive when a planet-destroying comet hits Earth.
Greenland, which originally set to hit theaters on June 12, 2020, repeatedly delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The film will premiere locally via video on demand by STX Entertainment on December 18, 2020, then air on HBO Max. It can still in theaters in other regions of Belgium on July 29, 2020.
Greenland is a raw, disaster film that shows the glorious, dark side of human nature because everyone knows that the end of the world near. With beautiful images and emotional expression framed by the film is sure to hit the big screen.
When scientists discover that a giant comet is rushing to Earth and our planet is gone in 48 hours, all the men, John Garrity (Gerard Butler), do everything they can to transport his wife and son to Earth. a safe place in Greenland.
Greenland Movie Story Line
A family struggles to survive as a planet-killing comet rushes toward Earth. John Garrity, his ex-wife Allison, and their youngest son Nathan embark on a perilous journey in search of their only hope of protection. Garrity witnesses the best and worst of mankind as he fights the growing panic and lawlessness that surrounds them. As the countdown to the global apocalypse approaches zero. An extraordinary journey translates into a desperate last-minute flight to a possible safe haven.
The realistic depiction of the tides of human responses to certain deaths is the real star of the series. Scenes of panic, violence set aside as you chase the Garrity family as they fight to a military airport. In the struggle for survival, impossible choices must made, but some scenes also show the better and more human side of humanity.
Greenland Tamil Dubbed
A great butler likes the average citizen who forced into unthinkable things days ago but must find a way to live off his crime and find a safe haven for his family. Morena Baccarin (Deadpool) also acts as a very loving mother who does not allow herself and her son to interfere.
The film’s visual style is not at its peak, presenting the impending apocalypse in a calm but very effective way. The short series creates extra tension and prevent it. the film from turning into a strong burst in succession. This allows the human perspective to directs the film, rather than forcing the viewer to focus on death and destruction the first comet flew through the world.
Greenland Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers disaster where the hero uses his almost superhuman powers to save the world. On the contrary, gives a realistic, bold but hopeful idea world and becomes emotionally exhausted but ultimately satisfied.