Interstellar Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an American science fiction film from 2014 directed and produced by Christopher Nolan. Artists are Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn and Michael Caine. The film unfolds in a dystopian future in which humanity tries to survive. He follows a group of astronauts who cross wormholes near Saturn to find a new home for humanity.
Interstellar IMDb Rating : 8.6
This interstellar film was shown on October 26, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. In the United States, this was first introduced in movies and expanded with digital projectors. When the film became the tenth best film in 2014, gross revenue reached more than $ 677 million.
Interstellar Movie Story Line
With the end of our time on earth, explorers fulfill the most important task in human history. Go out of this galaxy to see if humanity has a future under the stars. This is one of the nicest movies I have ever seen. The trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the best first week since the launch at the end of March, with 31.4 million views.
Plant pests and dust storms threaten human survival in the mid-21st century. Egypt is a plant that deserves the last life. The world has also become a post-truth society that teaches younger generations of ideas such as the false mission of Apollo Moon. Widow engineer and former NASA pilot Joseph Cooper is now a farmer.
“Interstellar” is the most important and confusing film of the year. This is a three-hour film about quantum physics with deep philosophical agitation about fate, the universe and our place in it.
Interstellar Tamil Dubbed
The film is full of clear images: the horizon of icy clouds, the ocean waves at the height of the skyscrapers, the sparkling interior of wormholes where the main characters fly through their spaces. The most surprising thing about these photos is that we are rarely encouraged to swim. In contrast to the most ambitious space opera since 2001: the Space Odyssey (1968).
Fans have seen Insterstellar for the first time with Christopher Knol, director of Dark Knight. They made the most popular discovery of the week until May 19, hoping that the science fiction epic of November would end up in the mysteries. Zefr, a technology company that controls the public on the platform, made 19.5 million visits to YouTube.