Oh! Baby TamilRockers is a 2019 Telugu fantasy comedy film, based on the South Korean film Miss Granny, produced by D. Suresh Babu, Sunitha Tati, T.G.Vishwa Prasad, Hyunwoo Thomas Kim on Suresh Productions, People’s Media Factory Guru Films, Kross Pictures banners and directed by B. V. Nandini Reddy. The most important photography of the film began in December 2018. The film stars Samantha Akkineni, Naga Shaurya, Lakshmi, Rajendra Prasad in the lead roles and musical qualities Mickey J. Meyer.
The scenarios and the stories pretty good without many obstacles and difficulties. Nandhini Reddy plays the film well, with the exception of an extra dose of emotional intelligence. One melody after another guarantees the patience of the audience. Although Mickey J Meyer’s BGM good.
Oh! Baby Movie Story Line
The first version stated that Samantha would play an important role and also had a meeting with Rangathalam to do things with a strong character. The player said he would leave the area if he didn’t have a good newspaper. Now 2019 seems a promising year for Samantha, who only chooses content-based films.
The coming fantasy drama is about a grandmother of 70 who has found a wonderful way in her young body. It new journey in the life of his old grandmother. Experienced actress Lakshmi played a younger version of her grandmother’s hero and Samantha. Samantha calls this a very special film and is close to her heart. During the hours of release, this promotion generated more than 1 lakh on YouTube.
Unfortunately, an older woman had to deal with a strange situation with her mother-in-law. He had to join an old house for his son. Something unexpected happened, Samantha brought her into the role of Swathy. From that moment on, the film will filled with fun and emotional journeys.
Samantha Akkineni in Oh! Baby
This film will a new version of the South Korean film “Miss Grandma”. According to the latest report, the makers opted for “O baby Yentha Sakkagunnave” as the name of the film. The title itself enough to attract the attention of the public. Samantha collaborates with Siddharth in Jabardasth by Nandini Reddy.
Actress Rangasthalam plays a woman in the rebel village of Ramalakshmi and plays martial arts master Samantha (Silambam) in a national play such as Seema Raja, Samantha. He worked as a journalist for Mahanati and U-Turn, but opposed two roles. Oh baby have to change things into his actress and Manmadhudu 2 and 96, Telugu has recreated things in her cat.
Oh Baby Trailer hears Swathi in two colors, an older, younger and more fragile version of her old personality, one from an old woman and the other singing and dancing with her heart. The latest version of Samantha’s play, illustrated in the mall and flashbacks, shows that the pain in drinks comes from the fact that if life goes on, I can’t enjoy it over time.