Ojas Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a Indian Kannada dramatic film directed by CJ Vardhan and produced by Rajath Raghunath. The film actors are Neha Saxena, Yathiraj, Bhavya and Dingri Nagaraj as main characters. Karthik Venkatesh prints music.
The meaning of “Ojas” is easy! Movies with these types of movies are ready to go to the big screen. This must be successful so that the producer team is trained for future efforts. “Ojas” is a movie for women. Neha Saxena is the DC representative of the oppressed in the film. 150 Yethiraj movie actors are a problem solver. There is no action, but the entire movie is based on reactions.
Ojas Movie Story Line
The shooting took place in Bangalore and Maddur Mathuthimukur. Karthikvenkatesh, PVR Swamichayagraharana and J Guruprasad have music. Dr. Posted by Ozturk Eduardo Dizzo, Rajatragunath. The film Valachchetan will be screened nationwide next month and the film Ojas will give new light to the community.
Ojas tells the story of a girl from a poor family who is struggling to become a regional Commissioner and then tries to get people on the right track in illegal activities. The main character of this film is OJAS, how to protect women like sheriffs, working women, sheriffs and how to defend them as men with Rahwana qualities. Vardhan said the action had stopped.
Apparently it a real event and the way it handled in the movie was a public light. The recordings took place in Bangalore, Maddur and Tumakuru. The essence of this movie is how Ravan Rama was, director Vardhan said. G Murthy played an important role in this film as experienced actress Bhavya, Mysore Ramanand, Hanumantharaju, Rafiq, Malatesh and Swiji.
When a woman well trained and passionate, she shines not only in front of her house, but also for the entire community. Likewise, another film crew now tells the story of a woman’s performance. That why the movie called “Ojas”.
Ojas Tamil Dubbed
Neha Saxena will appear as editors such as Yathiraj Bhavya, Hanumantraju, Shobharaj, Dingrinagaraj, Mysore Ramanand, G. Murthy, editors such as Swamiji, Praveen, Mamta, Shobha, Shivani, Duberafiq, Mantesh, Mallikaru and Mantesh. With D’Souza’s money, Prime Minister Mamata’s wife appeared as a journalist and Elvia’s daughter as a child.
Rajath Raghunath in the film industry started his own company in 2011 in search of class cinema, the “Ojas screen” on February 7. Six months later Neha Saxena arrived in Bangalore in the movie Malayalam. This film is about corruption in society. My chances of being in the movie you mentioned are very high.