Puppy TamilRockers is an upcoming 2019 Indian Tamil comedy drama film written and directed by Nattu Dev in his directorial debut. The film, including Varun, Samyuktha Hegde and Yogi Babu, was produced by Ishari K. Ganesh under the flag of Vels Film International. Music director Dharan Kumar composed the background music and scores for the film. It seems that the film mostly revolves around a puppy dog.
Although Varun has already worked on films such as Bogan and Vanamagan, he seen as the first protagonist. The film filmed by starting director Nattu Dev. The first appearance of the film was controversial. He showed both porn star Johnnu Sins and god Nithyananda.
Puppy Movie Story Line
Varun and Samyuktha Hegde are also in the film. This would the first full-length film by actress Kannada Samyuktha, but because Comali released earlier, he shown to Comali Jayam Ravi in Tamil.
The last Yogi Babu seen in Dharmaprabhu is currently working on various films. The comedian, who is part of Thalapathy Vijay, Biglap and Darbar superstar Rajinikanth, plays one of the lead roles in the upcoming Puppy. The latest news is the first poster of the film.
This film describes Varun and Samyuktha Hegde as the main characters. The first poster of the film caused confusion in social networks. The makers recently released a song from RJ Balaji Soththu Moottai, which well received by the public.
Varun in Puppy
The first film of the director, in which the first actor seen, will attract attention if the film contains something interesting. Someone who idolizes my hero Johnny and Nithyananda. That’s why we chose the background with posters because we think this is the best way to describe it in one photo.
Nattu Dev (Morattu Single) is a comedy artist who composed the music of Dharan Kumar for the film. The film will released on October 11. The poster was first published on August 13, 2019 by the actor, radio jockey commentator, and cricket commentator, RJ Balaji. The official caravan released on September 26, 2019.