Taramani TamilRockers is an Tamil drama film written and directed by Ram. Under the production company Catamaran Productions, he produced the film with J. Satish Kumar. In the film, The film features Andrea Jeremiah, Vasanth Ravi and Adrian Knight Jesly, Anjali played in a long cell. These efforts started production in August 2013 and were released after several delays on August 11, 2017. The film received positive reviews and was a success.
Movie posters are starting to arouse interest in films, and the slogan “Loving and transcending sex only raises the boundaries of curiosity. It said that this film will the subject of love and relationships in the computer field, and what’s interesting is that Andrea three different points of view in the film.
Taramani Movie Story Line
The love story in Taramani is very similar. On the one hand there is Althiya Joseph (Andrea Jeramiah), elegant, elegant and modern, on the other hand a traditional Prabhunath (Vasanth Ravi), new to the city and its friendly culture. Taramani follows Altheya and Prabhu records the complexity of contemporary romance in his stories.
Althea Johnson is a single mother who works for business in Chennai. Prabunath, a rude young man, escaped to a deserted bus stop on a rainy night. Although they seemed suspicious, they finally started talking and became friends.
Kattradhu Tamizh’s famous director, Ram, has just completed his autonomous training Thanga Meengal. In the following scenario, he plans to limit himself to an administrator. Ram, versatile actor Andrea’yı, is the hero of the project. The soundtrack album released by actor Kamal Haasan and director P. Bharathiraja. The score and soundtrack of the film composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja and released on December 30, 2016.
Andrea Jeremiah in Taramani
Taramani will play a role for Andrea all her life, and I am sure she will show her talent and emotional skills in this film. She is one of the most important actresses in the industry. The film composed of a very strong technical team, Yuvan Shankar Raja (music), Sreekar Prasad (edition), Theni Eeshwar (camera) and Na.Muthukumar (text).
“Taramani” by director Ram released after a long delay on August 11, 2017, but this film exceeded expectations because of the very positive criticism of criticism and the positive expression of word of mouth. Andrea Starrer spent a successful week at the Chennai cash register with excellent residences and collections.