The Big Bull Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers an Indian crime biography directed by Kookie Gulati and produced by Ajay Devgn, Anand Pandit Vikrant Sharma, and Kumar Mangat Pathak. The story follows the lives of real estate agent Harshad Mehta, who involved in his financial crimes for 10 years, from 1980 to 1990. The film stars Abhishek Bachchan as Mehta, Nikita Dutta, and Ileana D’Cruz. The major shooting began on September 16, 2019. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the film not released and will be shown worldwide on Disney + Hotstar.
The Big Bull and Abhishek Bachchan released digitally. Director Kookie Gulati sponsored by Ajay Devgn and Anand Pandit and airs on Disney Plus Hotstar. The Big Bull release date not yet announced.
The Big Bull Movie Story Line
Abhishek posted a new poster for the film at Disney Plus Hotstar’s virtual press conference on Monday. About meeting Devgn as a producer, Bachchan Jr said: “This is my second film with Ajay Devgn Films. You are the co-producer of Bol Bachchan. It is always a pleasure to work with them. I am happy that Ajay Devgn and Anand Pandit find this valuable enough to be part of the movie. Everything they give me has always been special to me.
The Big Bull Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers and Abhishek Bachchan released digitally. Director Kookie Gulati is funded by Ajay Devgn and Anand Pandit and airs on Disney Plus Hotstar. The Big Bull release date has not yet announced.
Abhishek posted a new poster for the film at Disney Plus Hotstar’s virtual press conference on Monday. Commenting on meeting Devgn as a producer, Bachchan Jr said, “This is my second film with Ajay Devgn Films. You are the co-producer of Bol Bachchan. It is always a pleasure to work with them. I am happy that Ajay Devgn and Anand Pandit find this valuable enough to be part of the movie. Everything they give me has always been special to me.
Abhishek Bachchan and Ileana D’Cruz in The Big Bull Tamil Dubbed
Abhishek Bachchan described Big Bull as a whimsical story of wealth, saying, “Big Bull is not a story. It set in Mumbai in the late ’80s and early ’90s. It is a rag story, a story of ambition that you will surely achieve as you progress towards your goals.
A great movie with a great cast, including Ileana D’Cruz, Nikita Dutta, and Soham Shah among even better actors. We loved this movie and hope our Disney Plus Hotstar viewers enjoyed it too. “”
During a virtual interaction at Hotstar VIP, “Guru” said he’s working with Devgn for the second time after actress “Bol Bachchan” and has posted posters for “The Big Bull”. He shared the plot of the movie, saying the story dates back to the late 80s and early 90s in Mumbai.
Meanwhile, Abhishek Bachchan has started filming for one of his upcoming movies called Bob Biswas, despite stricter lockdown rules being enforced in Kolkata, according to a report from a leading publication. He added that some areas in the south of Calcutta designated as detention areas. Given Abhishek’s condition and health, the producers have postponed filming for a week for now.