Vinodhan TamilRockers is a new Tamil drama film written and directed by Victor Jayaraj and produced by Prabhu Deva. The film features Varun, Vedhika and Salony Luthra played in the film, while Madhan Karky wrote the film’s dialogue. Aimed at the problem of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the film was scheduled for an unknown release.
In August 2015, Prabhu Deva announced that he would make a psycho-emotional film written and directed by newcomer Victor Jayaraj, who will enter into dialogue with Madhan Karky.
New Varun, who made his debut with Oru Naal Iravil (2015) for the first time, signed a contract to perform the role of Vedhika, who appeared several times in the film.
Vinodhan Movie Story Line
Almost 35 scenes and 30 strange edits ended in 16 days of filming. That is approximately 45% of the total photo shoot. Because we receive intensive training before we start filming, we help these artists and they do an excellent job. The actors play well and work very well together.
Jayaraj said he disappointed to see how human psychology revived in Tamil films and he wanted to create something intense in many dimensions. He chose the newcomer Varun to play in this film.
It said that Prabhu dheva satisfied with the script and nods to the administration. The music of this film is D Imman and Madhan Karky is a copywriter. The main character of the film has not yet been signed, but is likely to be a new player.
Varun, the actor’s grandson last night, played the role of hero Isari Velan. Vinodhan’s music published by Imman, while Madhan Karky wrote the dialogue. The selection of the hero continues.
Varun in Vinodhan
We recently reported that Vedhika was part of the director of Victor Jayaraj’s first film, Vinodhan, published by Prabhu Deva. We now learn that the actress, a 60-year-old woman, will play a romantic psychological drama in various parts of the film.
“My training before the start of the session was very effective for us and my cameraman was very helpful in following the plan and at the same time I changed the image on the screen.
Madhan Karky also works as a dialogue in the films and has simplified the content that everyone can understand. As a copywriter, he brings Tamil numbers to songs that I think will be discussed. I would say that Madhan Karky is the next Sujatha. Main artist Mouli appreciates my work by saying that 15 years later he is working on smart films.