Aleka TamilRockers is an emerging Indian Tamil comedy film written and directed by SS Raja Mithran. The Alexa Dharmaraj film was produced by ER Anandan. The film Starring Aari and Aishwarya Dutta as heroes. This film, with Glowstar Creations, presented under the Creative Teamz motto. C Sathya composed songs and scores for this film. K Dhillraj interested in cameras and editing done by Karthi Ram.
This film was born when Aishwarya Dutta joined the second season of Bigg Boss Tamil in the second season of 2018, when teammate Bigg Boss entered another Tamil 2 film with Mahat Raghavendra. Most of the photos made in Chennai.
Aleka Movie Story Line
Aishwarya has already reported that Dutta and Aari are working together for a movie that should be a love story. The name of the film has already announced. Aishwarya Dutta, the protagonist of the film, shared the information on the microblog page: “It is nice to announce my next film, Aleka.
Aari, recently screened at Nagesh Thiraiyarangam, is currently working on her upcoming movie, Aleka. The Nedunchalai player shares the screen with Aishwarya Dutta, famous for Bigg Boss. Aari said the film will explore contemporary romance in the context of the information technology industry. Even if it takes place in the business world, this film will appeal to all types of people.
Aishwarya Dutta wins the reputation of Bigg Boss Tamil. This is his first film after leaving the series. The filming of this film started a few months ago in Chennai. AG Mahesh composes the music and Dillraj takes care of the camera; Yugabarathi and Karthik Ram associated as writers and publishers.
Aari and Aishwarya Dutta in Aleka
As the voice of many social problems, the first appearance of the film paved the way for the acceptance of Aari actors and their reluctance to enter the field of commercial profit. “Aleka is love, not a film about lust.” He clarified the simple words. To be precise, it is the increase of pure love. “My concerns about well-being, I am sure everyone will understand when they see a movie.”
The first poster of the film published on 12 February 2019 on the occasion of the birthday of Aari and Valentine’s Day. The first appearance of this film led to controversy over the representation of healthy couples, and producers accused of revealing dirty posters.