Butler Balu TamilRockers is an next Tamil comedy film directed by M. L. Suthir. Yogi Babu plays the role of a chef in the film The film star played in the subordinate roles of Gautham Krishna, Shalini Mayil and Mayilswamy, Imman Annachi, Robo Shankar and Thadi Balaji. The soundtrack composed by Ganesh Raghavendra.
The film was released on October 8, 2019 after an eight-year delay. The film also shows Yogi Babu as the main actress, although the actor has been photographing for four days.
Butler Balu Movie Story Line
Yogi Babu, who recently appeared as the leading comedian in ‘Bigil‘ Vijay, was welcomed by the public. The actress also played famous characters in the movies “Dharmaprabhu“, “Gurka” and “Zombie”. Yogi Babu is now ready to become a chef in his upcoming film Butler Balu.
“Butler Balu” lead by ML Kathir, while the dialogue written by SP Rajkumar. The film also includes Mayil Swamy, Imman Annachi, Robo Shankar, Balaji and others.
The new Butler Balu film by Yogi Babu, the producer, said the successful comedian leaned heavily on his shoulders. This shows the number of filmmakers who managed to reach the premiere of the film on Friday. Mukesh says the story revolves around the one-night events and that most actions limited to the police station where the character of Babus accused of kidnapping.
In “Butler Balu”, Yogi Babu arrested by the police for abducting a friend from the room of his marriage with his friends. The story of the film tells how the star escaped from the police and dealt with the situation. “Butler Balu” should be a fun journey where you can see the perfect comedy from Yogi Babu.
“Babu plays the role of the cook at the wedding and suspects the attack when the bride disappears, but her friends are behind the plot.” In the parallel street, Robo Shankar and Imaan Annachi, form a group that leaves the girl to the girl. Ragmen Despite rumors that Babu would only have a few gigs in Butler Balu, Mukesh said that popular actors would attend the first round in the second round.
Yogi Babu in Butler Balu
There three smaller steps in Tamil: Miga Miga Avasaram, Butler Balu and Thavam, whose versions and performance limited. The theater expects the film to published by Dhruv Vikram Adithya Varma, but it unfortunately delayed until November 2 due to delays in obtaining certification by censorship.
There are three publications in English: Doctor Sleep, Last Christmas and Black and Blue. The launch in Hindi this week will take place via Bala Ayushmann Khurrana, but its launch will be limited via the orbit.
After having played an important role in Dharmaprabhu and Gurkha, I only focus on the role of actors in the film. Butler Balu is a film that I played only four days almost four years ago.
The player added that to date there is no reason to hire someone to write his work. Comedy Scenes I have made some changes to the director’s dialogue and transferred it to my own style.