Game Over TamilRockers is the bilingual Indian thriller Tamil-Telugu 2019, written by Ashwin Ramkumar Saravanan and Kaavya and directed by Ashwin Saravanan. The film plays Taapsee Pannu as a wheelchair user and saves his house from a mysterious creature. The film co-produced by Y NOT Studios and Reliance Entertainment and presented by Anurag Kashyap. The music composed by Ron Ethan Yohann. Filming began on October 10, 2018 and released on June 14, 2019. The film greeted the Taapsee and Saravanan Ashwin performance scores, which received positive reviews from critics.
Game Over, which was held in the factory on Thursday, announced the return of Taapsee to Tamil three years later. His last trip to Tamil was the 2015 action thriller Vai Raja Vai. The first piece of Y Not Studios and Reliance Entertainment in the poster started on Wednesday. Ashwin said that the tension in a house increased and that about 70% of the Taapsee film could be seen in a wheelchair.
Game Over Story Line
The film marks the return of actress Taapsee to Kollywood after a four-year break. The first Taapsee film poster in wheelchair session on October 10 starts in 2018. The official teaser of the film released on May 14, 2019 by Y NOT Studios. The official trailer for this movie released on May 30, 2019 in Tamil, Hindi and Telugu.
“It’s going to create a unique tension in a house, it only shows a few characters and since I’ve seen Rosa, I want to work with Taapsee, and I’m happy that everything is going well with this project and that I really enjoy Ashwin told IANS, but Game Over will not be a woman-centered film.
The first poster of the director shows Pannu in a wheelchair, legs in a casting. The background and environment are clear and contrast with the physical condition of Pannu. Game Over, directed by Saravanan Ashwin, whose latest film Iravakaalam has not yet released, produced by S Sashikanth under the name Y NOT Studios. Third edition of the Saravanan Game Over 2015 that debuted with Nayanthara Maya.
Taapsee Pannu in Game Over
The talented actor showed that he could participate in Hindi films such as Taapsee, Pink, Manmarziyaan and Naam Shabana. The latest update is that the actress is starting to make a new bilingual Telugu Tamil movie Game Over, directed by Maya Ashwin Saravanan. New images from the film show Taapsee sitting in a wheelchair with medical plaster legs. The logo of the title means that the game can be a love story and it is clear that technology will play a role in the film. The maze in the background and the checkerboard design emphasize the theme of the film.
However, Game Over will not be a woman-focused film. “I don’t think it’s a movie in which a hero focuses solely on his wife. Let’s leave the NH10 Anushka Sharma. This is primarily a tension on honor crimes that portrays a woman as a powerful actress. It’s also a thriller and a feature from the hero of Taapsee: “It will be a unique thriller in a house with very few characters displayed.”