IPC 376 TamilRockers a new Tamil action thriller film directed by Ramkumar Subbaraman. produced by S Prabhakar in the poster Power King Studio, Nandita Swetha sees IPC 376, as the main character. K Dhillraj takes care of the cameras and buys the fiction R. Nirmal.
Actress Nandita Swetha, last seen in Sasikumar’s action thriller “Asuravadham“, will play the role of the police in her next film, “IPC 376”. Directed by Ramkumar Subbaraman and produced by S Prabhakar, the first poster was published by G. V. Prakash Kumar.
IPC 376 Movie Story Line
IPC 376 is part of India’s rape legislation and says the film is about arson and rape. The IPC 376 posters show Nandita Swetha with two attractive avatars in which she looks good. Filmmaker S. Prabhakar is the distributor of famous films such as ‘96, Junga and Pencil ‘. Trader and exhibitor. He directs many theaters. This is the first bilingual Tamil Telugu film.
Equipped with a number of impressive films in both languages, the actor has chosen a role to prove his acting skills. Soon KGF returns to Kannada with My name as Kirataka for the star of Yash, now waiting for the release of IPC 376 and higher.
When he first played Kannada on Nanda and he loved Nandita, he almost stopped school. Eleven years ago we saw it in sandalwood, Bengal’s daughter Nandita Sweta was in films by Telugu and Tamil. The director was Ramkumar Subbaraman, who worked on various films that he made in different languages. R. Nirmal, publisher of Colamau Kokila, directs his film collection.
Nandita Swetha in IPC 376
During the conversation with TNM, Kalki’s contribution bilingual and Nandita, who still likes to enter her native language in Kannada, later said: “The response to my work was very good, I like to look at the screen. I played a Muslim figure named Asima Khan.
“About the rape of the IPC 376, I behave like a police officer, my performance was published and online and the makers are planning to communicate with Nayanthara, but they didn’t, and then they decided me because I felt I at ease with Tamil and German. “wants to make a movie for you.