Maha TamilRockers new Tamil thriller produced by U. R. Jameel and produced by the production company EtiSera Entertainment, Mathi Azhagan. The film plays the role of Hansika Motwani in his 50th role and as Srikanth, alongside Thambi Ramaiah, Karunakaran, Nassar and Jayaprakash. The film edited by John Abraham JR and the music composed by Mohamaad Ghibran.
This project is currently underway in Pondicherry, and the latest update played an important role in player Srikanth. According to director Jameel, Srikanth will play a surprising role by changing physically. He went on to say that Srikanth did not play the role of villain and that his performance would become public in a few days.
Maha Story Line
Director Jameel said “Besides Hansika, who first filmed women’s films, this is also the 50th film, a different sense of her role, and she has never made a film like Maha. His career. I have romance and sometimes serious characters seen, but in Maha you see all qualities and emotions together. ”
Maha is a thriller with the woman. Jameel, director of RI, spoke about the role of Srikanth in the film and the TOI report said: bahs. He played an important role and the character offered him a wide range of performances. It is a completely new perspective. “The first appearance of Srikanth announced in the coming days.
Hansika Motwani in Maha
Maha Tamilrockres full movie review found this is the 50th film by Hansika Motwani and the 25th composer Mohamaad Ghibran. The film called Srikanth for an important role. Silambarasan will play a special role in a song from Hansika to Maha. The poster first looks at Maha. Hansika sits on a chair and smokes tobacco published on December 9, 2018.
His last Vikram Prabhus exhibited in Thuppakki Munai, where he produced 100 works by Atharvaa and Telugu comic films starring Sundeep Kishan. Last year he made his debut in Malayalam with Mohanlals Villain, in which he played greyscale. It is interesting to see if Maha’s character has a negative meaning.
Filmmakers added what they would record in September. “Filming mainly takes place in Chennai, with the exception of a small part of Dubai.” The music of the film composed by Ghibran and the director of photography, Marcus Tamil, went into the theater with Maha.