Madha Gaja Raja TamilRockers Tamil action comedy written new and led by Sundar C. Other important supporting roles play the role of Vishal, Anjali and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Santhanam and Nithin Sathya. Arya and Sadha performed a special performance in this film.
Directors Sundar C and Vishal have announced their collaboration in a project in January 2012 and Vishal will play three roles in the film. Sundar C claimed a contract with Hansika Motwani after the first refusal of women to report Shruti Haasan because he offered to have signed Shruti Haasan, but prevented the blog from going out with a friend.
Madha Gaja Raja Story Line
For the first time Vijay has composed Antony for the film Vedi with Vishal for the first time with Sundar C. Vishal has sung a song called “My Dear Loveru”, published in December 2012 as a commercial song.
After completing Madha Gaja Raja Sundar C had planned to record a song with Vishal and Anjali in a remote village but exotic China. The site will exhibit its charismatic flora and fauna in October. This way, the director can show the best photos at the same time as his team in the city.
After three characters Vishal stylized Madha Gaja Raja, Karthika Nair joined the team on the role in April 2012. The film began in May 2012 with a song in Chennai, with a song by Sadhal’s Vishal and Santhanam, revealing an appearance in the number of articles.
Madha Gaja Raja Tamilrockres full movie review reveal the team moved to Jaipur in August 2012 to complete another program. Vishal said the title “Gaja Raja”, provided it is more intimidating than the character of Lord Ganesha. can be literally translated by anger. A while ago, while a combat scene firing, Vishal was injured and had to leave work for a week.
Vishal in Madha Gaja Raja
Vishal started his new film Sundar C with Madha Gaja Raja (MGR). This is the first laugh of Vishal’s comedy, in which he plays a triple role. In this film I played three different characters, Madhan, Gaja and Raja, and the title will soon be called MGR. This will definitely be a funny movie and I am sure Sundar C will give the right moment. audience
The film moved to Hyderabad in September 2012 and Arya joined the team to join the guests. Arya flew out of Chennai and ended her day in the trade. The team is planning to record songs from China, but will eventually go to Australia to record the series. In October 2012, it announced that the film had ended and Sundar C was finalizing the project.