Nenjamellam Kadhal TamilRockers is an emerging romantic comedy film written and directed by Nirman. The film plays Ashok Selvan, Avantika Mishra, Madhumila, Urvashi and M. S. Bhaskar in the lead roles in this film. This film presents the music of Nivas Prasanna.
Actress Avantika Mishra said that the performance took place suddenly and that she fell in love with the film when she released Tamil with an upcoming project that has not yet received the Ashok Selvan title. After her debut in the Telugu psychic thriller “Maaya” in 2014, Avantika made another film.
Nenjamellam Kadhal Movie Story Line
The project was launched on 6 February 2017 by producer S. Sudhakaran with the support of new director Nirman and lead actor Ashok Selvan. The film, formerly Rangoli, was renamed Nenjamellam Kadhal, where actress Avantika Mishra first appeared in Tamil films and appeared in Urvashi, Azhagam Perumal, Badava Gopi, Mr.
He said that although Gopi had many offers, he demanding about his role. I don’t want to repeat my role. I bought Chennai 28 because it is just a sequel. After I had done Poraali, I became a cliché only because of the role of my husband. It’s pretty boring. For example, every time I draw I make films that distinguish me with different characters.
The film contains “Nenjamellam Kadhal“, Ashok Selvan and the new Avanthika Mishra. The director and director Nirman has written stories, scripts and dialogues and uses the megaphone. Nenjamellam can show powerful followers such as Kadhal ‘, Oorvashi and Azhagam Perumal. Other people are Badava Gopi, MS Bhaskar and Soniya.
Ashok Selvan in Nenjamellam Kadhal
Nivas K. Prasanna appeared as a composer, while Ganesh Chandra became a cameraman. I. J. Alen joined the team as a publisher, while Jayachandran took on the role of artistic director.
nivas.k. “Thegidi” and “Vijay Sethupathi” will give glory to Prasanna. Ganesh Chandra becomes a cameraman. Edition, I.J. It serves all DFTs. Jayachandran will view the art director section. The stars of ‘Nenjamellam Kadhal’, produced by S.Sudhakaran under the motto Friends Festival Films, start today.