Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene TamilRockers is an upcoming Indian Telugu romantic thriller film, written and directed by Caarthick Raju and produced by Dayapannem & Vijisubramanian under the brand name Venkatadari Talkies. The main roles of the film are Sundeep Kishan, Anya Singh, Pragathi and Murali Sharma.
This film was also recorded in Tamil under the title Kannadi. The soundtrack and presentation of S. Thaman scheduled for July 12, 2019. The official trailer for the film was launched June 29, 2019 by Think Music India.
Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene Movie Story Line
Young couple involved in an accident in the middle of nowhere. When they asked for help, they found an old graveyard. Somehow they came home and looked normal, except when they looked at each other in the mirror and saw someone else. This is the first issue under the Sundeep Kishan administration. The figure is a novel. This meant to entertain all parts of the audience.
When you manage turns, the director seems to have no idea. The film really lost pace in the second half and the hero’s attempt to find an answer was almost certain. The top is even worse. What started as a unique supernatural story suddenly became part of a serious melodramatic sermon.
According to reports, Tamu Kannadi became the director of the garment in the first film under the banner title, along with Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene and Caarthick Raaju in Telugu. Although Sundeep uses oil for this job, Anya Singh has partnered with her.
Sundeep Kishan in Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene
This is a horror film starring Raju Caarthick with Sundeep Singh and Anya. Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene also produced under the name Kannadi in Tamil. The music of this film composed by S. Thaman and published by Think Music India.
The experienced actor, director Vijayalakshmi Singh, left his daughter away from the film, allowing Yaana to earn extra points. No action or forced narration. You feel as if you are sitting and watching the three girls live and relax in their youth.
The supernatural thriller tends to follow the same pattern. The heroes seem normal, but they are in unusual situations and everything around them seems satisfied. NVNN promised too much and had wonderful moments, but by walking he lost power and pretty boring.