November Story Tamilrockers is an Indian Tamil crime thriller web series directed by Indhra Subramanian. This web series starring Tamannaah, Pasupathy, G.M.Kumar, Vivek Prasanna, Aruldass, Myna Nandhini, Tharani Suresh, Arshath Feras, Pujitha Devaraju, Namita Krishnamurthy and Nishanth Naidu in the leading roles.
November Story web series music composed by Saran Raghavan, Cinematography Vidhu Ayyanna and Edited work done by Sharan Govindsamy. This web series Release network Disney+ Hotstar and released on 20 May 2021.
November Story Web Series Story Line
The new Tamil web series November Tale, directed by Indhra Subramanian, overturns this hypothesis: how Anuradha (Tamannaah) went to great lengths to save her father, the prime suspect in the murder. But this story is unfair. It started when Anuradha’s life was full of troubles.
He’s an ethical hacker, but if someone hacks the system, there’s a problem here. It’s a girl, but there is a problem with her famous father, a detective novelist, who loses his memory every day.
November’s story progresses slowly and sometimes its speed is an issue. What keeps you busy, however, is the fascinating storylines weaving a large network of events in search of something worthwhile. While the series is a crime thriller on the surface, it tries to lighten the mood with some funny moments experienced during the police investigation.
Sometimes a few investigative scenes blur the mood of the show, but it’s understandable to keep the story from always getting too serious. Some of the scenes in which Aruldoss is shown as a police inspector inspector are downright funny, but ridiculous.
Release in OTT
The production value is quite good and unlike many shows in the Tamil OTT space, we feel an aesthetic that clearly defines cinematography, production design, music and sound design. The freedom offered by the OTT room also gives the director the opportunity to play with Gore. Since some key scenes set in a morgue.
There was a lot of blood (and even one or two naked bodies), and a remarkable scene about pregnant women wasn’t heartbreaking. Fortunately, the blood turned out not to be excessive.
Tamannaah and Pasupathy.M in November Story Web Series
November Story Tamilrockers is an exclusive Disney + Hotstar Crime Thriller web series. The actor seen as a princess trying to save his father’s criminal reputation. The man suffers from early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and writes crime stories. All the evidence seems to indicate that he is guilty.
Tamannaah will play a performance-oriented role in this web series. This is Tamannaah‘s second digital project after the eleventh hour of Aha Video. This web series produced by Indhra Subramanian.
The scene is not like a police affair, more space for a TV show or a web series writer. This gives us a sense of how the creators of November’s Story allegedly blackmailed salary editors for acceptable ideas for a range of crimes.
If you have cool ideas, the creators should have put them together and turned them into several compelling stories. Like the researcher’s research, writing the November story seems superficial and captivating.
Episodes and Title
- Save Him From Him
- White Wash
- Flashes
- Crossroads
- Knitting
- Close To
- Truth