Uppena Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an Indo-Indian Telugu drama film directed by Bucchi Babu Sana. and produced by Sukumar Writings and Mythri Filmmakers. The film contains Vijay Sethupathi, Panjaa Vaisshnav Tej and Krithi Shetty in the lead roles in this film.
The producer has issued a statement describing the title of the film. Danne said she very concerned about the title of the story and that the title “vaguely” reserved for the story. Actor Vijay Sethupathi plays an important role in cinema and plays various roles in Tamil. The film department has announced that regular filming will start this month.
Uppena Movie Story Line
The first film by Panja Vaisshnav Tej, the niece of Chiranjeevi and brother of Sai Dharam Tej, will be in the theater this month. The love for the landscape at the bottom of the sea makes him look like a fisherman. Buchi Babu Sana, former protege of Sukumar, the director of the film shot by Mythri Film Producers. There is some speculation about the name of the film.
Vijay Sethupathi made his Tollywood debut with Chiranjeevi star Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. He will appear as Raaja Paandi in Surender Reddy. Director Mythri went on Twitter on Saturday to announce the story. They wrote: Greetings from Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi on the boat for our film with Panja Vaisshnav Tej, directed by Buchi Babu Sana.
Krithi Shetty, the new member of Mangalore, has been approved as a hero at “Uppena“. Director Buchi Babu introduces Panjaa Vaishnav Tej as a fisherman and Krithi Shetty considered the beauty of the village. Regular filming starts on 25 May.
Uppena Tamil Dubbed
The makers finally presented the first poster of the film. The 47-second video shows Vaishnav Tej on the river and asks for the love of his wife and hero Krithi Shetty, who looks out of the bus window. Great videos make a good impression on the audience. The makers also announced that April 2, 2020 was the release date of the film.
The film will shot at an actual location on the beach of Andhra and the crew will provide almost all the details, “he said. A source said the maker Manisha Raj had signed for the lead role of a woman a few days ago, but she replaced by Malaysian actor Devika Sanjay due to creative differences.